What To Know About Braces

dentist providing treatment to a woman

You have decided to take the plunge and get braces to perfect your smile. That’s the first step, but what should you expect for the Invisalign process? Here are a few things to keep in mind before starting the journey to straighter teeth.

Invisalign trays must be worn to be effective; this requires a commitment to wearing the trays for 22 out of 24 hours a day for the duration of treatment. It is convenient and a major perk to be able to remove the trays for eating and to facilitate proper oral hygiene, but they must be replaced as soon as those activities are completed. The good news is that Invisalign trays are nearly invisible, so most people will not notice you are wearing them. They are a far cry more discreet than traditional metal braces! This reason alone is a major factor in why people report choosing Invisalign over metal braces.

In some cases, additional attachments or ridges are required on the trays in order to get the full benefit of your orthopedic treatment. Speak with the dentist to see if this may apply to you. Don’t worry about the look; if needed, the attachments should not affect the aesthetics of the Invisalign trays; only you and your dentist will know they are there.

Enjoy eating without braces! It is important to remove the trays prior to eating any food to ensure the trays are not damaged. Having to remove the trays is actually a game-changer when it comes to wearing braces. You can continue to eat all of your favorite foods without restriction. With metal braces, there is a long list of forbidden foods that are not compatible with treatment. Invisalign removes all of those restrictions. Bon appetit!

You will need to step up your oral hygiene game. Brushing your teeth after every meal will be part of your new routine. Of course, you will continue to brush and floss in the morning and before bed.

Invisalign trays are stain-resistant, but the ridges and brackets that hold them in place can become discolored, especially after drinking dark beverages such as red wine, coffee, or tea. Be sure to brush your teeth as soon as possible after consuming any food or beverage that may lead to staining. An ounce of prevention is well worth it to keep your Invisalign trays clear.

Removing your Invisalign trays is an option when drinking beverages. If you choose to leave them in, be mindful that hot beverages may cause the trays to soften enough to change the shape and fit of the tray. So if you are going to leave the trays in place to drink hot beverages, let them cool off before consuming that drink; even better, stick with clear sparkling water if you can not easily remove the trays when drinking.

Straight, beautiful teeth call for whitening too. Wait until you have completed treatment with your Invisalign trays before taking the step to brighten that perfect smile.
